We are routinely asked what to look for when trying to detect leaks in and around our clients’ homes. There are a number of places that can form leaks. Most of these may be obvious, but others can be extremely tricky to not only to spot, but also to repair, especially if they are not found for a while. Looking for leaks typically depends on the area where you are searching, but here are a few general tips for finding and/or treating leaks.
If you are concerned that your faucets are using too much water you may purchase flow restrictors to your faucets. These water conservation devices can have significant impact on the amount of water that your faucets use and have been known to cut as much as 50-75% off of the total amount of water flowing thru your faucets. You can get a good idea of how much water your faucets are leaking by putting a glass of water underneath them. If a faucet in your home is filling up a 200ml glass of water every day then you could be wasting around 8000 liters of water each year. These kinds of leaks can be easily fixed with simple washers or other small touches. You can often find that you have a leak problem by paying close attention to your water bill. Sharp unexplained increases will typically lead to leaks.
If you own a pool or spa you need to pay particular attention to your automatic filler and keep close track of your pH as drops in pH after consistent treatments can often point to leaks. It is often a good idea to use a cover for any outdoor pool or spa and to check weekly around the outside of your pool or spa for cracks or water stain lines.
In your kitchen or bathroom you need to check underneath your sinks and behind your toilets. If you find water, wet spots or any water damage to your cupboards you may have a leak. If you own a dishwasher make sure to scrape all of the food off of your plates and utensils before you put them into the dishwasher. This also helps to keep from using running water over your plates or cookware to remove food. Try to only run your dishwasher if it’s completely full. If you do not own a dishwasher and have to hand wash your dishes try running a full sink of hot water to wash and then rinse all of your dishes at the same time to help save water. A helpful trick to seeing if your toilet is leaking is to drop a bit of food coloring into the tank of your toilet. If you see the color in your bowl after 10 minutes or so you may need to replace the valve in your tank. You can find out about how to prevent flooding and many other issues in your home by visiting www.waterdamagerestorationtoronto.com